Should You Repair or Replace Your Damaged Auto Glass?
July 6, 2023
If you’re a Tampa, FL, vehicle owner who has recently had their auto glass damaged, you’re probably wondering if the damage is repairable. In the sections below, you’ll learn more about the factors affecting auto glass repair and replacement.
Repairing Your Damaged Auto Glass
Repairs are preferable over replacement because it’s cheaper and, in some cases, auto insurers will cover the repair costs completely. For windshield repair or other types of auto glass to be repairable, it must meet the following criteria:
- The crack or chip only damaged the outer layer of glass
- The bullseye is no bigger than one inch
- The crack is less than 12 inches
- The damage can’t be near the outer margins of the auto glass
Something to know is that the above criteria are determined not by your assessment but by industry standards set by the National Windshield Repair Association. When qualified service technicians examine your damaged auto glass, they refer to these standards and make sure that repairing the glass won’t reduce the glass’s safety performance during a collision. Their primary objective is to always make sure repairs are done safely.
Replacing Your Damaged Glass
Although it’s not always to your liking, auto glass replacement is always necessary in the following cases:
- The bullseye is greater than an inch
- The crack is greater than 12 inches
- The damage penetrated the inner layer of glass
- The damage extends to the far corners of the windshield
When to Call for Windshield Repairs
If you have a small crack in your windshield that you believe is qualified for a repair, call a qualified service technician like ours at Mr. Auto Glass sooner than later. The more you drive your vehicle with a cracked windshield, the more likely the crack will worsen, especially when your car is parked in the sun all day. For quality auto glass repair and replacement, give us a call today for an auto glass service quote!