Automotive Accessories

5 Essential Sensors Found in Your Vehicle

The sensors in vehicles collect information to detect problems and alert the driver of any issues. They’re essential in vehicles since they make the drivers aware of various problems and ensure they’re driving safely. Nonetheless, while these engine sensors are great assets, they can also break down and become ineffective. This is a danger to the driver’s safety. To strengthen your automotive knowledge, read more about the five essential sensors found in your vehicle.

Oxygen Sensors

Vehicles burn fuel to generate power and drive down the road. The engine must burn the fuel at just the right ratio to perform well. The role of the oxygen sensor is to measure the level of exhaust fumes to ensure the vehicle runs efficiently. It sends an electrical signal to the powertrain module that controls the air-fuel mixture.

However, when the oxygen sensor fails, the vehicle cannot function efficiently. The vehicle may burn through fuel rapidly or continuously misfire when the combustion reaction doesn’t work correctly.

Although it’s possible to drive with a damaged oxygen sensor, doing so is unwise. It’s bad for the environment and can take a toll on the vehicle.

Coolant Sensor

An overheating engine is one of the worst things that can happen to a car. The coolant sensor is responsible for monitoring the coolant’s temperature within the engine. If the sensor doesn’t work, the powertrain control module doesn’t receive the signal to turn on the engine’s cooling fan and lower the coolant’s temperature. The vehicle is then more likely to overheat and break down.

Vehicle Speed ​​Sensor

Everyone wants to know how fast they’re driving on the road. The vehicle speed sensor is an important tool that monitors how fast the vehicle runs. It transmits the information through an electrical connector to show the speed of the car.

A faulty vehicle speed sensor is a common cause of low-gear shifting issues in your transmission. You may experience trouble accelerating when moving at lower speeds because the timing isn’t as efficient. Since this is one of the most crucial aspects of a car, take it to a mechanic immediately if you experience any trouble with the vehicle’s speed sensor.

Oil Pressure Sensors

Oil is an essential fluid to ensure your vehicle runs properly. There’s an oil pressure sensor found in the vehicle to signal if it’s losing necessary oil pressure when driving. Pressurized oil lubricates the engine and prevents overheating.

If the pressure becomes too high or low, a light will flash on the dashboard. It’s difficult to diagnose the issue on your own. Whenever the oil pressure light appears, take the vehicle to a mechanic for further inspection.

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAP)

The manifold absolute pressure sensor monitors the amount of pressure or engine load the engine takes in. Once the MAP retains that information, it can communicate it to each cylinder to establish ignition timing. The MAP sensor is a necessary tool that helps keep the acceleration and fuel efficiency balanced.

If the MAP sensor falters, it’ll trigger a “check engine light” on the dashboard. In addition to this signal, you may also encounter problems such as black smoke emission from the exhaust, poor fuel efficiency, or rough acceleration.